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Verify PDF

  1. If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar.
  2. Click on the recording bar and select the “PDF” function.
  3. Enter the file path as a fixed value or variable.
  4. Click on the “Preview” button to open the PDF prepared for the evaluation.
  5. Define the desired evaluation in the PDF using selection points. The current evaluation is displayed at the top right.
  6. Click on the “Add evaluation” button.
  7. For further evaluations, define additional selection points and confirm them with the “Add evaluation” button.
  8. Click on the “Close” button to close the preview.
  9. Use the “Add search step” button to manually add search steps to an existing evaluation.
  10. You can use the “+ Enter manual evaluation” button to manually enter a verification for the PDF.
  11. Accept your entries with the “Add” button.


You can also insert the PDF step (incl. automatic recording of the file path) into the test case by dragging and dropping a PDF file from Windows Explorer into suxxesso Tool Suite. Edit the PDF step and enter the evaluation (starting with point 4).

