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Variables window

Call up the variables window via the “(x) Variables” button in the footer of the suxxesso Test Pilot.

Via this window you can:

  • Add variables
  • Remove variables
  • Change variable name, value and type
  • Set variables as test case parameters (variable is displayed in the suxxesso Data Manager for variable mapping)
  • Show recent variable values


Add variable manually:

  1. Press the “Add variable” button.
  2. Enter a variable name.
  3. Optionally enter an initial value.
  4. Set the variable type (text, integer, decimal, boolean, date, time).
  5. Set the “test case parameter” option.


The variable type is necessary especially for numeric and date variables to ensure correct processing of variables considering different formatting.
By default, variables are defined as test case parameters, i.e. they are available for variable mapping in the suxxesso Data Manager. If the value of this variable is not set by the Data Manager, change the option to “Set as test case parameter”. This will cause this variable to not be displayed in the Data Manager.


Add table variable manually:

There are test cases where you do not know at the time of recording how much test data will be available at the time of execution (e.g. number of items in an order). To be able to map such test cases, there are table variables in the suxxesso Tool Suite. Table variables are constructs that combine one or more sub-variables and can address them via an index.

  1. Click on the button “Add table variable”.
  2. Enter a variable name for the table variable.
  3. Add at least one sub-variable to the table variable by pressing the “Add variable” button for the table variable.
  4. Enter a variable name, optionally enter an initial value for the variable and define the variable type.
    Sub-variables are marked by a small arrow in front of the first variable name of a row.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add any number of sub-variables to the table variable.


Add row to table variable:

  1. Press the “Add row to table variable” button for the table variable.
  2. Another “row” with all sub-variables will be added to the table variable.
    Variable names and types are already defined and cannot be changed at this point.
  3. Enter the variable values for this line.
  4. The number of rows can be extended as desired.


If a new sub-variable is added to the “first row” of the table variable, it will be automatically added to all existing rows.



Remove variable:

  1. Press the “Remove variable” button next to the variable.


Variables used in a test case step cannot be deleted.


Change variable:

The following changes can be made to a variable:

  • Name
  • Initial value
  • Variable type
  • Option “Test case parameter”


The change of the variable name must always be done via the variable window. This will automatically apply the change to all recording steps that use this variable.


Show recent variable values:

The suxxesso Test Pilot “remembers” the most recently used variables including their values. This facilitates the search for potential test data for the creation and AdHoc replay of test cases.

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