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Test step options

Certain options can be set for each test case step.
To do this, edit the test case step by clicking the “Edit Step” button for the test case step.


Optional step:

When recording test cases, there may be deviations in the test step sequence if necessary (e.g. a certain pop-up appears only on the very first call of a transaction, a warning message may be displayed and must be confirmed with “Enter”, … ).
These “optional” steps must be correctly recorded and marked as optional. When playing the test case, the suxxesso Test Pilot tries to execute these steps and does not abort the execution with error message if this is not possible.


Take a screenshot:

If you check the “Take a screenshot” checkbox for a step, a screenshot will always be taken and inserted into the test log after replaying this step when the test case is executed via a test plan (suxxesso Test Cockpit).


Dynamic position (only for SAP GUI):

The position of a screen field can possibly vary, even across tabs. By using the “Dynamic Position” option, this field is searched for on the entire screen when the test case is replayed, taking all tabs into account, in order to perform the recorded action for this screen field.


Check/open/ignore transaction xxxx:

In each step of a test script, the technology and the transaction in which this step was recorded are stored.
With this information, the following actions are possible:

  • Check transaction xxxx (set by default): When the step is replayed, it checks if the SAP session is in the correct transaction.
  • Open transaction xxxx: Before executing the step, the transaction stored in the step is automatically called. This option is mainly activated in the first step of the test recording or when switching to another transaction.
  • Ignore transaction xxxx: The transaction will not be checked during replay.

This option can also be changed without editing the test case step or for a selection of test case steps:

  1. Select one or more test steps
  2. Select “Edit transaction mode for selected steps” in the context menu at the bottom of the suxxesso Test Pilot.
  3. Select the option.
  4. Confirm the entries with the “Apply” button.


Abort after XX:XX:

The execution of a test step can be stopped automatically after XX:XX (mm:ss) using the “Abort after…” checkbox.


Insert comment:

Comments can be inserted for all test steps. These are automatically transferred to the test case description via the Word export.

