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  • ClientQuery

    A ClientQuery offers the possibility to generate data on the client side or to process data records from incoming nodes or to connect data from queries with constant iterations. The ClientQuery is…

  • Query node – General

    In the query editor, a query tree is created by capturing one or more query nodes. This must end in a unique target node. Each node returns a result table that can…

  • SapNativeQuery

    A SapNativeQuery offers the option of executing a native query against the database without using a template.   Attributes:   Examples Example 1 – Query: — !SapNativeQuery Id: T001 Statement: Select WAERS,…

  • SapQuery

    With a SapQuery, an OpenSQL query is executed against the database via the server module.   Attributes:   As of Release 8, suxxesso Tool Suite supports queries in strict mode. This means…

  • Processing of IDocs

    With the suxxesso Tool Suite, XML files can be read in and optionally processed (transformed) via an XSL file. This functionality allows the XML file to be read and dynamically manipulated for…

  • Query node – General

    In the query editor, a query tree is created by capturing one or more query nodes. This must end in a unique target node. Each node returns a result table that can…

  • TransformXML

    With a TransformXML node, an XML file is read in and optionally processed (transformed) via an XSL file. This functionality allows the XML file to be read and dynamically manipulated for a…

  • SapFunction

    The SapFunction is used to call a remote capable module function in SAP (e.g.: BAPIs). Since a function call can return not only one data record, but several tables, there is the…

  • SQLite additional features

    RandomNumber Generates an integer random number of the specified length Arguments:   Example: — !ClientQuery Id: RND Statement: Select RandomNumber(7) as RND Result:   RandomIBAN Generates an IBAN with valid check code…

  • FirstWithResult

    The FirstWithResult node forwards the result of the first incoming node that returns a result.   Attributes:   Example In this example, 3 input nodes with 3 ClientQueries are simulated. Node A…

  • Cache

    The cache node stores the result of the incoming node in an encrypted cache file in %localappdata%\Suxxesso\DataManager\Cache. Thus, other users cannot access the cache of the current user. In case that nothing…

  • Call

    The Call node references the target node from another test case.   Attributes:   Example There is a test case “Called.tent” in the “Docu” workspace. This test case has a test case…

  • ClientQuery

    A ClientQuery offers the possibility to generate data on the client side or to process data records from incoming nodes. The ClientQuery is based on an in-memory SQLite database (Version 3.38.5). The…

  • SapQuery

    With a SapQuery, an OpenSQL query is executed against the database via the server module.   Attributes:   Syntax: The syntax for the OpenSQL parts is limited to version 7.31. If elements…