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  • Processing of IDocs

    With the suxxesso Tool Suite, XML files can be read in and optionally processed (transformed) via an XSL file. This functionality allows the XML file to be read and dynamically manipulated for…

  • Release 6.4.1

    We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements to our suxxesso Tool Suite. Here you can find an overview of what’s new in version 6.4.1.   What is new: DEV-2627 Variable values…

  • Release 6.4.0

    We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements to our suxxesso Tool Suite. Here you can find an overview of what’s new in version 6.4.0.   What is new: DEV-2508 XML /…

  • Query node – General

    In the query editor, a query tree is created by capturing one or more query nodes. This must end in a unique target node. Each node returns a result table that can…

  • TransformXML

    With a TransformXML node, an XML file is read in and optionally processed (transformed) via an XSL file. This functionality allows the XML file to be read and dynamically manipulated for a…

  • User Interface – Attachments

    This area is needed for editing XML files. The attachments (files) used in the TransformXML node type are specified here.  

  • Set field

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Set field” function. Select…

  • Insert manual steps

    Manual steps can be inserted at any position within a recording, both in the recording mode and in the display mode of the suxxesso Test Pilot. If necessary, position the recording bar…

  • Save value to file

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Save value to file” function…

  • Constant iterations – General

    Constant iterations can be defined independently of queries in the result area. If a name is assigned to a result column in the variable mapping, it will immediately appear in the constant…

  • Constant iterations – Import / Export

    The “Import” or “Export” button imports all constant iterations from an Excel file or exports them to a file. For a correct import, the column name in the Excel file must match…

  • Extract text

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Extract text” function in the…

  • Assemble text

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Assemble text” function in the…

  • UnusedGLAccountNumber

    To search for free numbers via tables T077S or SKA1. Attention: Only numeric number ranges are supported.     Beispiel This example searches for free G/L account numbers for the first 3…

  • Unique

    Reduces the result to a unique subset using one or more column lists. It thus offers a similar functionality as GROUP BY or DISTINCT.   Example In the following, a result table…

  • FieldTrimFilter

    Removes characters in result columns on the specified side.     Example In this example, a ClientQuery generates 2 result rows on which the filter removes leading zeros. — !ClientQuery Id: TwoAgents…

  • FieldPadFilter

    Fills values of result columns with characters up to the specified length.     Example In this example, a ClientQuery generates 3 result rows, on which the filter inserts leading zeros until…

  • EmbedQuery

    The EmbedQuery filter executes a separate query tree for each incoming row and appends the result in a new column as a record. This makes it possible, for example, to obtain the…

  • DefaultResultRowFilter

    Appends a line to the result if the node itself does not return a result. Attention: There is no check if the column names from the node match the column names from…

  • Parameters – Macros

    Macros can be used to define frequently occurring, more complex expressions, for example in the workspace parameters. Macro placeholders can be specified within a parameter value.   Definition: A macro is defined…

  • Parameters – Variable mapping

    User-defined parameters can be specified directly in the variable mapping:   Predefined parameters cannot be specified. If you still want to use such a parameter in the variable mapping, it can be…

  • Parameters – Usage

    Usage:   Substitution of implicit parameters in query nodes:   Query nodes / workspace parameters / test case parameters: In the query nodes (or in the workspace and test case parameters), the…

  • Parameters – General

    Workspace or test case parameters provide the possibility to control the queries in suxxesso Data Manager. Before the query tree is executed, the parameter placeholders are replaced throughout the document. In addition,…

  • Node result processing (ResultFilters) – General

    Optionally, ResultFilters can be attached to the SapQuery, ClientQuery or FirstWithResult nodes for processing the node result. The filters are processed in the specified order.   Overview: The following filters are available…

  • SapFunction

    The SapFunction is used to call a remote capable module function in SAP (e.g.: BAPIs). Since a function call can return not only one data record, but several tables, there is the…

  • SQLite additional features

    RandomNumber Generates an integer random number of the specified length Arguments:   Example: — !ClientQuery Id: RND Statement: Select RandomNumber(7) as RND Result:   RandomIBAN Generates an IBAN with valid check code…

  • FirstWithResult

    The FirstWithResult node forwards the result of the first incoming node that returns a result.   Attributes:   Example In this example, 3 input nodes with 3 ClientQueries are simulated. Node A…

  • Cache

    The cache node stores the result of the incoming node in an encrypted cache file in %localappdata%\Suxxesso\DataManager\Cache. Thus, other users cannot access the cache of the current user. In case that nothing…

  • Call

    The Call node references the target node from another test case.   Attributes:   Example There is a test case “Called.tent” in the “Docu” workspace. This test case has a test case…

  • ClientQuery

    A ClientQuery offers the possibility to generate data on the client side or to process data records from incoming nodes. The ClientQuery is based on an in-memory SQLite database (Version 3.38.5). The…

  • SapQuery

    With a SapQuery, an OpenSQL query is executed against the database via the server module.   Attributes:   Syntax: The syntax for the OpenSQL parts is limited to version 7.31. If elements…

  • Used Shortcuts

    The following shortcuts can be used in the suxxesso Data Manager: CTRL + N = New test case CTRL + O = Open test case CTRL + E = Recently opened test…

  • Quick settings – Show intermediate results

    If a node is executed several times due to its dependency on another node, the individual results are not displayed. If this button is activated, the intermediate results are displayed in the…

  • User interface – Parameters / variable mapping

    Workspace and test case parameters: In this area, the workspace and test case parameters can be entered.   Variable mapping: In this area, the mapping of a result column in the suxxesso…

  • User interface – Results area

    The results area displays the results (and intermediate results) after the execution of the queries as well as the constant iterations. The “Export” button can be used to export the current data…

  • User interface – Query editor

    In the query editor, the queries for dynamic data selection can be stored for a test case.   Usage notes: The queries are written in plain text. Using the plus sign at…

  • User interface – Table search / opened test cases

    Table search: The table search can be displayed on the left side. If a table name is entered here and the search is started with Enter, the structure of the table is…

  • User interface – Menu bar

    Main menu / Burger menu: In the main menu / burger menu following actions are supported: load and save test cases open the settings dialog quick settings   Connection selection: In the…

  • User interface – General

    The suxxesso Data Manager user interface is divided into the following areas: User interface – Menu bar User interface – Table search / opened test cases User interface – Query editor User…

  • Detect building blocks – Create new building block

    First detect the possible building blocks as specified under Other Functions / Detect building blocks. Click on the “Create building block” button (to the right of the tiles). Select the test case…

  • Detect building blocks – Use existing test case as reference

    First detect the possible building blocks as specified under Other Functions / Detect building blocks. Select the test case whose steps are to be called (referenced) by the other test cases (button…

  • Detect building blocks

    To enable the “Determine blocks” functionality, the following preparations must be made: Create, if not already existing, a directory “suxxesso” under c:\ProgramData. If it does not already exist, save a file “InstallConfig.yml”…

  • Search / change order of test plans

    Search test plan: Enter the search term in the search bar in the main window. The search results are displayed directly in the main window.   Include test cases in test plan…

  • Run execution plan adhoc / report

    Run execution plan adhoc: In the main window of the suxxesso Test Cockpit, select the “Execution plans” tab. Click the “Run test plan” button on the tile for the relevant execution plan.…

  • Create execution plan

    To be able to schedule the execution of one or more test plans, the suxxesso Test Cockpit offers the possibility to create execution plans. Select the “Execution plans” tab in the main…

  • Display report

    Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Under the “Reports” tab, you will find the reports related to the test plan arranged chronologically. Click on…

  • Change parameters of folder

    Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Click the “Edit parameters” button at the directory level. All parameters of the folder and the test plan…

  • Display / change parameters of test plan

    As soon as the first test case is dragged into the test plan, the parameters set for the workspace of this test case are automatically transferred to the test plan as well.…

  • Enable / disable constant iterations / queries

    If constant iterations and/or queries are defined for a test case, it can be decided per test case whether these should be executed in the test run. Open the relevant test plan by…

  • Enable / disable test case / folder

    Test cases are only executed in the test run if they are enabled. For this, the checkbox on the left in front of the respective test case must be enabled. If folders…

  • Show details of test case

    Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Click the “Show Details” button next to the test case in the test plan or in the test…

  • Rename / remove folder

    Rename folder: Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Click the “Rename folder” button to the right of the folder. Enter the new name for…

  • Create Folder

    Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Click on the “Create folder” button. Enter the name for the folder. Confirm the entry with “Enter”. Drag…

  • Move / remove test cases

    Move test case / test cases: Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Use “Drag and Drop” to move a single test case or a…

  • Add test cases to test plan

    Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. Drag and drop a single test case or a selection of test cases from the test case list…

  • Change / delete / copy test plan

    Change test plan: Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window. The following changes are possible: Change of the name in the header Change of the…

  • Create test plan

    Click on the “Create test plan” tile in the main window. Enter the test plan name and the workspace. Optionally, enter the creator and a description. Save the entries with the “Create”…

  • Decision trees

    You can use decision trees to influence the course of test cases via conditions. Select one or more steps of a recording and press the button “Execute selected steps only conditionally” in…

  • Loops for dynamic table variables

    A prerequisite for this type of loop is that you have created a table variable for your test case. Select one or more steps of a recording Click the “Wrap selected steps…

  • Loops – Repeat while / until

    Loops are necessary to be able to execute steps repeatedly. Select one or more steps of a recording and press the “Wrap selected steps in repeat” button in the context menu in…

  • Fixed Width Label Tables

    In SAP there are display transactions that prepare data in table-like constructions that have no columns but are mapped row by row.   If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired…

  • Terminal tables

    In SAP, there are many display transactions that prepare data in table-like constructions, but whose cells are not directly addressable by column name and row.   Create text table step (with display…

  • Table step – Table variable as data source

    Table variables can contain 1 – n “lines” and thus also process 1 – n lines of an SAP table. When controlled via line number, the line number of the table corresponds…

  • Table step – Control via key column

    In order to identify a row/value of a table not via the row number but via certain selection criteria, the suxxesso Test Pilot offers the possibility of a control via key columns.…

  • Create / edit table step

    You can recognize that recorded steps refer to a table in the SAP session by the “Table” note in the recorded step.   Create table step: Select the steps that you want…

  • Edit role step

    Edit role step: Edit the role step with the “Edit Step” button. The following actions are now possible: Change role Activate/deactivate the “Reuse the session if possible” checkbox. Click on the “Open…

  • Insert role switch

    Role changes are used to perform workflow and authorization tests, e.g. for: E2E test cases that require different users for the entire process. Authorization tests where a test case is deliberately run…

  • Partial referencing and splitting of a building block

    Building block call – Partial referencing: To prevent an explosion of building blocks, the suxxesso Test Pilot allows “partial” use of building blocks through partial referencing. Edit the building block call via…

  • Changes in a referenced building block

    The suxxesso Test Pilot detects an intermediate change of a building block and indicates this by a message and the colored background of the building block call. Edit the building block call…

  • Link building blocks

    In order for a building block to work with correct data or for the calling test case to learn about data generated in the building block, it is important that parameters are…

  • Create / insert building blocks

    Building blocks allow you to combine several recording steps and store them together for reuse in other test cases. Building blocks can be inserted into a recording script and strung together. Technically,…

  • Inactive steps

    Each step of your recording (except the screenshots) are marked with an icon on the left side. This icon shows you the category of the step (input, verification, table, role, calculation step…

  • Test step options

    Certain options can be set for each test case step. To do this, edit the test case step by clicking the “Edit Step” button for the test case step.   Optional step:…

  • Position recording bar

    The recording of a test case can be continued at any point in the test script. Likewise, manual steps can be inserted at any point within a recording, both in the recording…

  • Handling of test steps

    Copy / Cut / Paste a test step: A test step can be copied, cut or pasted by using the shortcut “CTRL+C/TRL+X” and “CTRL+V” or by using the context menu. Paste is…

  • Show runtime variables

    If a test case is executed in single step mode or the execution is stopped at a certain point, the current values of all variables defined in the test case can be…

  • Replay test case

    Play back test case: Connect to an SAP session (SAP GUI or Web). See also User interfaces / Connect / Link to SAP session. Start the replay of the test case via…

  • Training videos

    Activate the “Screen recording” option in the main menu to additionally create a video documentation of your entire screen while recording a test case. Also define in the main menu whether this…

  • Create test case description

    The function “Main menu / Export to Word” automatically creates a test case description from the recorded steps of the test case script. Select a template. Define the path and name of…

  • Enter short description

    A short description can be entered for each test case, which is transferred to the automatically generated test case documentation and displayed in the suxxesso Test Cockpit next to the test case…

  • Close browser tab

    The “Close browser tab” function is only available for web applications. If several browser tabs are opened during a process that are not closed again automatically and this prevents the process from…

  • Resize

    The resize function works for SAP GUI and web sessions and resizes the current SAP window in the course of the test case execution. If necessary, position the recording bar to the…

  • Insert screenshot manually

    When recording processes in the SAP GUI, a screenshot is automatically created by server communication and inserted into the recording. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to add additional screenshots for documentation purposes.…

  • Insert Wait Step

    With the Wait step you can deliberately delay the execution of a test case, e.g. to wait for background processing. If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also…

  • Calculation

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Calculation” function in the…

  • Verify variable

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Verify variable” function in…

  • Set variable

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Set variable” function in…

  • Call ranorex test

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Call ranorex test” function…

  • Call SAP function

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Call SAP function” function…

  • Browser instruction

    The “Browser instruction” function is only available for web applications. The following actions can be performed with this function: Open URL Reload page Go back Go forward   If necessary, position the…

  • Drag & Drop

    The “Drag & Drop” function is only available for SAP GUI applications.   If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording…

  • Verify message

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Verify message” function. The…

  • Call method

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Call method” function. Select…

  • Read out field

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Read field” function. Select…

  • Verify field

    If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar. Click on the recording bar and select the “Verify field” function. Select a…

  • Variables window

    Call up the variables window via the “(x) Variables” button in the footer of the suxxesso Test Pilot. Via this window you can: Add variables Remove variables Change variable name, value and…

  • Set variables in test case step

    In order to design test cases flexibly, variables must be defined. These variables are also necessary for the automated test data delivery by the suxxesso Data Manager, since this fills these variables…

  • Record test case

    To start a recording, you must be connected to an SAP session (SAP GUI or Web). See also User Interface / Connect / link to SAP-Session. Click the “Start recording” button. The…

  • Settings – Shared Settings

    To simplify the distribution of the various settings for workspaces and connections in the team, the suxxesso Test Pilot offers the option of defining shared (common) settings and saving them on a…

  • Settings – Connections

    Connections and their roles are necessary, to be able to open SAP sessions directly from the suxxesso Tool Suite to enable the selection of test data with the suxxesso Data Manager.  …