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Settings – Workspaces

Workspaces are directories on local or network drives where test cases, screen recordings, test plans, reports, … are stored. Workspaces on shared network drives enable cooperative work, since all persons involved can access the same test cases, test plans, ….

Workspaces can be

  • added,
  • changed and
  • removed.



Add workspace:

  1. Click the “Add” button.
  2. Enter a name for the workspace.
  3. Enter the following directories or select them via the folder search:
    • for test cases (is also used by default for reports and screen recordings)
    • for reports (optional)
    • for screen recordings (optional)
  4. Save your entries.



Change workspace:

  1. Click on the workspace in the list.
  2. Enter the changes.
  3. Save the changes.

If test cases of a workspace are embedded as building blocks into another test case, this call is made via the name of the workspace and its physical location. Therefore, the name of the workspace should no longer be changed, otherwise the called test cases/building blocks will no longer be found.
Renaming, moving and deleting test cases is done in the Test Case Management in the suxxesso Test Cockpit.


Remove workspace:

  1. Click on the remove icon next to the workspace in the list.
  2. Save the changes.



Upgrade test cases after a release change:

After switching to a new release, it may be necessary to upgrade the test cases:

  • This upgrade is triggered for an individual test case when it is opened in the suxxesso Tool Suite.
  • This upgrade can be triggered for all test cases in a workspace using the “Upgrade x test cases” button.