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Replay test case

Play back test case:

  1. Connect to an SAP session (SAP GUI or Web). See also User interfaces / Connect / Link to SAP session.
  2. Start the replay of the test case via the button “Replay test case”.
  3. During the replay, a context menu for pausing and stopping the replay appears in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot.


Play step / Play from this step / Play up to this step:

  1. Connect to an SAP session (SAP GUI or Web). See also User interfaces / Connect / Link to SAP session.
  2. Call the context menu of a test case step by right-clicking on it. Select a playback function.
  3. The context menu offers you the following playback options:
    • Play Step: The selected single step is replayed.
    • Play from this step: The test case is played back from the selected step to the end.
    • Play up to this step: The test case is played from the beginning to the selected step.



If a test case is executed in single step mode or the execution is stopped at a certain point, a context menu appears in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot that allows the following actions:

  • Repeat step
  • Play next step
  • Continue playback (until the end of the test case)
  • Stop playback
