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Release 7.0.0

We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements to our suxxesso Tool Suite.
Here you can find an overview of what’s new in version 7.0.0.


What is new:

DEV-2034 Docking to a session is now also possible with a browser
DEV-2572 The maintenance period has also been introduced for licensing
DEV-2097 The suxxesso Tool Suite has now been converted to x64
SAP GUI 8.0 is supported (small exception under “Known Issues”)




DEV-2655 Recovery files cannot be created if workspace names have a space at the end
DEV-2582 WaitForIdle hangs on Http requests with Keep-Alive
DEV-1906 Scan of COM interfaces crashes
DEV-2705 Various web stabilizations
DEV-2715 Hitmode overlay in browser disappears on mouseover over element



suxxesso Data Manager:

DEV-2656 Workspace not set for last opened document
DEV-2658 Test case open dialog: Workspaces are no longer displayed for selection
DEV-2661 Double-clicking on an import file in the dialog window discards the following error message
DEV-2688 Changing an existing test case parameter does not set test case to “Changes not saved”
DEV-2689 Input in table search is now case-sensitive
DEV-2690 Test case is not saved in Data Manager if opened simultaneously via web repository (only affects Solution Manager installation)
DEV-2704 Data Manager does not transfer the value of the test case parameter in the mapping



suxxesso Test Pilot:

DEV-2652 Screen recording does not start
DEV-2659 NullReferenceException – when opening another test case


Save / load value – entered value is not recorded as initial value for variable
DEV-2665 SAP WebGui – Execute “Select” method in a tree is converted to “Select row”
DEV-2674 TP is not opened when starting via Solution Manager
DEV-2676 Rename display text in one step: Changes are not applied
DEV-2677 SAP WebGUI – Assignment of columns in a text table shifted because a column is split into three fields in the display
DEV-2680 Change of variable name not applied when editing the steps of a loop or decision tree
DEV-2682 Table variable is not found in loop via table variable on replay, but test case runs correctly
DEV-2684 NullReferenceException – with manual step “Load value from a file”
DEV-2686 SAP WebGUI – Field in the header of a text table is not found
DEV-2693 Double-click on tree node records 2 screenshots
DEV-2706 SAP WebGUI: Column in tree is addressed incorrectly
DEV-2712 Property.label as field selector throws Javascript error
DEV-2716 SAP WebGUI – when clicking on a tree, 2 steps are recorded
DEV-2720 Steps are packed in reverse order in loop step
DEV-2724 GridView setCurrentCell for selection column is not recorded in the pilot
DEV-2734 Always display properties for columns in table step



suxxesso Test Cockpit:

DEV-2662 Test cases from all workspaces displayed when opening a test plan, although option not set
DEV-2711 Test cases with SAP database queries do not work in Test Cockpit
DEV-2717 Test Cockpit does not ignore inactive steps when displaying and checking



Known Issues:

GridViews are only partially supported in SAP GUI 8.0 PL 1 to 4. A bug has been reported to SAP because the GridViews report back the wrong base value and therefore the cell is accessed that is below the cell in the GridView table that you actually want to access. It is problematic if the GridView only has one row because in this case it is not recognized. The issue only occurs when recording a test case. Test cases that were recorded in older SAP GUI versions can be replayed without any problems.
