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Release 6.4.1

We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements to our suxxesso Tool Suite.
Here you can find an overview of what’s new in version 6.4.1.


What is new:

DEV-2627 Variable values can now be saved to a file by a manual step – step “Save variable to file




DEV-2639 Dialog for “Export to Word” does not respond to clicking the “Enter” key



suxxesso Test Pilot:

DEV-2640 Condition steps of loops were not displayed correctly in Word documentation
DEV-2641 For step “Save Value to File” the German translation is missing in the list of manual functions
DEV-2643 Step “Save Value to File” shows the file path without backslash
DEV-2644 When opening the editing of the step “Save Value to file” option is always reset to “value

