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Release 6.4.0

We are constantly adding new functionalities and improvements to our suxxesso Tool Suite.
Here you can find an overview of what’s new in version 6.4.0.


What is new:

DEV-2508 XML / iDoc – generator – ad-hoc generation of interface files




DEV-2588 Error screenshot from roll step goes to main session
DEV-2595 OpenURL hangs although page is idle
DEV-2598 Button is not found
DEV-2599 Test case hangs after native browser popup



suxxesso Data Manager:

DEV-2509 Row was ignored during import from Excel despite values in the table variable
DEV-2510 Table variables were taken over incorrectly during export and then import
DEV-2593 Save test case parameters with SolMan
DEV-2615 Import of decimal numbers in Data Manager



suxxesso Test Pilot:

DEV-2584 Pilot could not be started via the COM interface
DEV-2585 Better error message for SAP GUI session start from SolMan
DEV-2587 Test case could not be opened after saving (SolMan installation)
DEV-2467 Exit from Pilot takes unexpectedly long time
DEV-2581 Unexpected error at step “Ranorex application” close
DEV-2600 Option “Automatically check transaction on new steps” does not work with Web-Gui
DEV-2603 Error message TS-30001 (Dynamic Value not found) when accessing Grid View
DEV-2604 Unexpected error when undoing split block
DEV-2610 Method “Click” is displayed twice
DEV-2619 Fields that are not part of a table cannot be accessed in SAP WebGUI
DEV-2620 Decision tree is not displayed correctly in Word documentation



suxxesso Test Cockpit:

DEV-2614 Reports are saved with the execution plans as .yml files and not as HTML

