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Reference Data / Reference Run

From Release 8, it is possible to generate reference data for a test case, which then forms the basis for verification in all further test runs.


Create reference data:

  1. Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window.
  2. Activate the test cases for which reference data is to be created, including the option of whether constant iterations and/or queries should be executed. See also Test Plan Execution / Enable / disable constant iterations / queries.
    Test cases for which no reference data has yet been generated are marked as follows:
  3. Click the “Execute test plan” button.
  4. The suxxesso Test Cockpit analyzes the selected test cases and adjusts the execution dialog.
  5. Select for test execution,
    • optionally the connection for the selection of the test data by the suxxesso Data Manager (the Data Manager role must be defined, see also subitem “Create role for connection” in General Settings / Settings – Connections)
    • if SAP GUI test cases have been selected: the relevant SAP GUI session (select an already opened SAP session or open a new SAP session via a specific role created in the connections)
    • if web test cases were selected: the relevant browser session (opening a new SAP session via a specific role created in the connections)
  6. Start the test plan via the button “Reference Run” to create the reference data for the test cases.
  7. The suxxesso Test Cockpit is automatically locked as well as minimized during the run. A small window will open in the lower right corner of your screen in the foreground to track the progress of the execution. The test run can be canceled via this window.
  8. After the test run is finished, the suxxesso Test Cockpit opens again.
  9. Refresh the test case list in the test plan. All relevant test cases now have valid reference data:
  10. Under the “Reports” tab you will find the detailed report of the test run. See also Test Plan Execution / Display report


Check test case against reference data:

As soon as the reference data has been generated and saved for all relevant test cases of a test plan, the test plan can be started as usual via the button “Beta Run” or “Live Run” (see Test Plan Execution / Start test execution) and a comparison is made with the saved reference data.



Make sure the SAP logon is started by starting it manually or setting up automatic start under General Settings / Settings – Test Case Execution.

