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Parameters – General

Workspace or test case parameters provide the possibility to control the queries in suxxesso Data Manager.
Before the query tree is executed, the parameter placeholders are replaced throughout the document. In addition, user-defined parameters can be used directly in the variable mapping.
In the suxxesso Test Cockpit, the parameters are listed in the test plan and can also be overwritten with other values there.



Types of parameters

Predefined parameters (date):

There are the following automatically defined parameters:

CURRENT_DATEThe current date in the format "yyyyMMdd". For queries against SAP tables
CURRENT_YEARThe current year
CURRENT_MONTHThe current month as number without leading zero (January = 1)
CURRENT_DAYDay of the current month without leading zero


Workspace parameters:

Workspace parameters are defined for the entire workspace. To avoid accidental changes and to prevent mutual overwriting, they must be edited explicitly by clicking on . If another user changes the workspace parameters, the change will only be visible after reloading the workspace.


Test case parameters:

Test case parameters apply only to the current test case and are also stored in the test case.


Implicit parameters:

Implicit parameters are parameters that can be used by depending on other result nodes. In the following example, a parameter from the first query is taken in the Where condition in the 2nd SapQuery.

--- !SapQuery
Id: Head
From: MKPF
QueryLimit: 1
--- !SapQuery
Id: Items
DependsOn: Head
Select: '*'
From: MSEG