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Insert role switch

Role changes are used to perform workflow and authorization tests, e.g. for:

  • E2E test cases that require different users for the entire process.
  • Authorization tests where a test case is deliberately run with a user who lacks authorizations for the process. The system should then respond with an expected error message that is verified.


Functionality of role steps:

  • An SAP session with the defined role is opened.
  • The steps of the role step are executed.
  • The SAP session is closed again.


To prevent multiple opening and closing of the same SAP session in an E2E test case, the checkbox “Reuse the session if possible” can be set in the role step header. In this way, the suxxesso Tool Suite checks whether there is already a suitable open SAP session and does not open a new one or close it at the end of the role step.

Role steps can be strung together across systems and/or technologies. The suxxesso Tool Suite recognizes whether an SAP GUI or a browser session must be opened.

Building blocks can also be called in a role step.


Add role step:

The suxxesso Test Pilot offers you 2 options to record a role step.

Option 1:

  1. If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar.
  2. Click on the recording bar and select the “Role switch” function in the function menu.
  3. The step is now displayed in the recording script.
  4. Edit the step via the “Edit step” button.
  5. Select the appropriate role.
  6. Click on the “Open steps” area.
  7. Start recording the steps you want to perform with this role.
  8. Stop the recording.
  9. Exit the steps area via the “Back arrow”.
  10. If necessary, activate the “Reuse the session if possible” checkbox.
  11. Confirm this step by clicking the “Apply” button.


Option 2:

  1. Select several steps and press the “Change role switching step for selected steps” button in the function menu in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot.
  2. The selected steps are combined into one role step and this is now displayed in the recording script.
  3. Edit the step using the “Edit step” button.
  4. Select the appropriate role.
  5. If necessary, activate the “Reuseteh session if possible” checkbox.
  6. Confirm this step with the “Apply” button.

