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Handling of test steps

Copy / Cut / Paste a test step:

A test step can be copied, cut or pasted by using the shortcut “CTRL+C/TRL+X” and “CTRL+V” or by using the context menu.
Paste is always done above the marked step or at the position of the recording bar, if no test case step is marked.


Remove a test step:

A test step can be deleted via the “Remove step” button or via the context menu.



Select / copy / cut / delete / deselect multiple steps:

You can recognize selected steps by the fact that they are highlighted in light red. Select several individual steps with “Ctrl+mouse click” or a range with “Mouse click” and “Shift+mouse click”.
The selected steps can be deleted using the “Delete steps” function (in the context menu in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot). They can also be copied or cut using the shortcuts “CTRL+C/STRG+X” and “CTRL+V” and pasted again at another position.

Undo these selections using the “Deselect” function (in the context menu in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot).

