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Edit Selectors

Selectors describe the identification and the targeted property of controls during playback. During recording, these are automatically generated by the suxxesso Test Pilot and can be edited afterwards if required.


How the selectors work:

  • Selectors can consist of several selector groups.
  • A selector group consists of one or more properties for which all comparison operations must apply so that the selector group is considered fulfilled.
  • Selector groups are processed one after the other. As soon as a selector group returns a unique match, the identification of the control is aborted (no further selector groups are taken into account).


Hierarchical selectors:

For test steps in web technologies, selector groups can also be nested hierarchically. Containers are searched for first and then only controls within the containers found. This also allows controls to be found that would not be clearly identifiable globally via their properties.


Editing of the selectors:

  1. Edit the test case step using the “Edit” button.
  2. Click on the “Selectors” button (top right).
  3. Edit the selectors.
  4. Accept your entries with the “Apply” button.




The following editing options are available:

  • Add a property to an existing selector group: Select the property via the drop-down menu in the selector group and click on the “+” button
  • Add a selector group via the “+ Add selector” button
  • Delete a selector group via the “x” button in the selector group
  • Change the relevant property of the control via the drop-down menu of the property
  • Reread the properties of the control using the “Refresh properties” button
  • Change the InnerObject (applies to shell objects such as grid views and trees)



  • The comparison value of the respective property can be defined via a fixed value or via a variable (click on the “Value” or “Variable” button next to the property).
  • The comparison operation can be changed by clicking on the operator button. For example, the following operators are available:
    • Is equal
    • Is not equal
    • Contains
    • Not contains
    • Begins with
    • Ends with
    • Regular expression