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Display report

  1. Open the relevant test plan by clicking on the tile in the main window.
  2. Under the “Reports” tab, you will find the reports related to the test plan arranged chronologically.
  3. Click on a specific report to see the details.
  4. The report can also be opened from a browser (link below the report display).


Structure of the report:

  • Displayed are general data such as
    • Name of the test plan incl. workspace
    • Time and duration of execution
    • User and SAP system (SAP GUI and/or browser)
    • Target system for queries (Data Manager)
    • Details of Windows user and computer on which the execution was started
    • Version of the suxxesso Tool Suite
  • Per test case there is:
    • Detailed information about each constant iteration, if available
    • information about the query, if available
    • per iteration the actual detail report (green = successful, red = failed)
  • Click on the detail report and get a step-by-step documentation including used values.
  • Click on the step number to open the test case in the suxxesso Test Pilot and scroll to the desired step.
  • The report does not contain any screenshots unless the “Screenshot” option has been set in a test step. See also Test Case – Editing / Test step options
  • In case of an error, a screenshot and information about the system status are automatically inserted.

