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Detect building blocks

To enable the “Determine blocks” functionality, the following preparations must be made:

  • Create, if not already existing, a directory “suxxesso” under c:\ProgramData.
  • If it does not already exist, save a file “InstallConfig.yml” in this directory.
  • Add the entry “BuildingBlockScanner: true” to this file.
  • Restart the suxxesso Test Cockpit.


Detect building blocks:

  1. Select the function “Detect building blocks” in the main menu.
  2. Select the workspace in which you want to search for possible building blocks.
  3. Set the “Minimum number of steps” that the block should consist of and the “Minimum number of matches”.
  4. Start the building block detection by clicking the “Detect building blocks” button.
  5. The matches found are displayed. Click on the matches to display the details and carry out the further steps for the creation of building blocks.



There are 2 possibilities for the building block substitution:
