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Create / insert building blocks

Building blocks allow you to combine several recording steps and store them together for reuse in other test cases. Building blocks can be inserted into a recording script and strung together.

Technically, there is no difference between a test case and a building block, i.e. any existing test case can be used as a building block.


Create building block:

  1. Select several steps of a recording.
  2. Click on the button “Create building block from selection” in the context menu in the lower area of the suxxesso Test Pilot.
  3. In the pop-up, enter the workspace in which the building block is to be saved and the building block name.
  4. Click on the “Create” button. This will swap out the steps into the building block and replace them with a building block call in the current test case.
  5. The correct parameters must still be passed in the building block call. For more information, see Test Case – Building Blocks / Link building blocks.


Insert building block:

  1. If necessary, position the recording bar at the desired location. See also Test Case – Editing / Position recording bar.
  2. Click on the recording bar and select the “Call building block” function.
  3. Select a test case (workspace and test case name).
  4. Add it as a building block to the recording script via the “Insert” button.
  5. The correct parameters must still be passed in the building block call. For more information, see Test Case – Building Blocks / Link building blocks

