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Constant iterations – Import / Export

The “Import” or “Export” button imports all constant iterations from an Excel file or exports them to a file.

For a correct import, the column name in the Excel file must match the result column of the constant iteration.
Empty rows in the Excel file are ignored during import (Exception for table variables see below).
Empty fields must be filled with the value !!!EMPTY!!! in the Excel file. This value is then correctly interpreted as empty during import.




Special features when importing table variables:

For table variables, the following notation applies to the column name in the Excel file: Table variable: Subvariable
Rows in the Excel file that have only filled the columns of the table variable are interpreted as rows 2 to n of the table variable.

See example below:

  • Row 3 in the Excel file is identified as the 2nd row of the table variable. -> 1st constant iteration: Items#1 2×2
  • Note: If no value is to be imported for a constant iteration in the variable Company, the change to the new iteration must be specially marked: In this case, the value !!!Empty!!! must be set in the column Company in the Excel file. This value is only interpreted during the import, but not taken over.


If the only variable in a test case is a table variable, the individual iterations must be separated with a blank row during import.
