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The cache node stores the result of the incoming node in an encrypted cache file in %localappdata%\Suxxesso\DataManager\Cache. Thus, other users cannot access the cache of the current user. In case that nothing has been changed in the incoming nodes, the stored result is delivered directly from the second execution.

Detecting whether incoming nodes have changed only works within the current test case. If a Call node occurs in the incoming partial query tree, changes to the referenced test case will not be detected.



This is suitable in the following scenarios, for example:


  • During the creation of the queries:

Most of the time, when the queries are created, the work is always done close to the result node. If the incoming nodes take a very long time to execute, it takes a correspondingly long time until the added changes can be analyzed. In this case it can be advantageous to temporarily pull in a cache node. Before the test case is used productively, the cache node is removed again.


  • In productive use:

If queries are responsible for a disproportionate amount of test execution time, a cache node may be able to help solve the problem.

For example, if a SapQuery is run on very large tables and conditions are set on non-indexed fields, it may take a long time to return a result (even if the result consists of only a few rows). The query time probably increases only imperceptibly if a larger number of result rows is requested.

Therefore, it is recommended to request a larger data table and store it (with values from key columns) in a cache. If the test data is consumed, it must be ensured after the cache node that the conditions for the values from the cache are still fulfilled.

If key columns were stored in the cache, it should be possible to find suitable data in a shorter runtime.


The cache is not automatically cleared. This can be done either

  • completely in Settings → Test case execution → Clean query cache or
  • directly at the cache node in the results area in the Data Manager.



IdYesUnique Id in the query tree
DependsOnYesDependency on one query node